Sunday, 1 February 2015

Unexpected Yet Welcome Events

I was en route home from the gym yesterday when I had a message on Facebook which confused me slightly. It read something along the lines of "Hi Jamie, along with a few friends I am doing the Pen Y Fan walk and want to do it for a good cause, so could we raise money for your Aussie trip?"

This confused me mainly because I was not aware I was going to Australia. I had mentioned to my family that I was thinking of going travelling after my initial treatment as my terribly small bucket list comprises of the following:

  • Seeing the Aurora Borealis
  • Seeing a blue whale
  • Training in Japan

Luckily you can achieve all of this in a single trip if you go to Australia/New Zealand and include a stop off in Tokyo along the way. My plan was to somehow save up enough for the flights and insurance and then work in bars for a couple of months while out there to fund the trip like a standard working holiday. The issue of medication etc I would just deal with closer to the time. 

So back to yesterday and the confusing Facebook message, I then scrolled down my news feed to see the following link being shared amongst my FB friends: 

I read through the page and saw that some of my brother's housemates had set up the page and would be undertaking challenges over the next 12 months to raise money to enable me to go on the trip down under. Now the Facebook message made sense! 

Over the last 24 hours the link has been shared all over Facebook and many people have donated and offered to get involved with the challenges, the first of which is to swim the distance of the channel (rather you lads than me!). The initial target of £2000 has been hit already and I have to thank each and every person that has contributed, I never realised there was so much desire to get me out of the country for a bit!

As a final note I have to massively thank Chez, George, Josh, Box and Luke for setting all this up. Hopefully we can continue to raise funds and awareness over the next 12 months of challenges and contribute to Cancer Research along the way. As well as the all important "Let's Make Wales a Jamie Mac Free Place" Fund of course!


  1. Hi Jamie, I just saw a tweet from Rachael Misstear and wondered what that was all about, so I looked at your twitter profile and blog ... I've added you on Twitter and will follow this blog too, though I admit I don't blog much at the moment! I'm actually in the middle of a 17-session spell of radiotherapy in Velindra, and during the autumn I'd been having chemo at The Heath for brain lymphoma ... so much of what I read in your latest blog about the ravenous demolition of fried chicken and chips definitely struck a chord with me! (I couldn't stop eating saussages while I was having the chemo and a bit of steroids!) ... really liked your bucket list and hope you get to do that round the world jaunt really soon :) I admit I'd be hopeless at Judo but I am planning on starting Tai Chi in two weeks! I just wanted to say hi, keep those spirits up :)

    1. Thanks Giles, best of luck with your radiotherapy!

  2. I don't know if this is any help to you but this guy is good:!/on-air/as-seen-on/Brain-Surgery-Breakthrough-Offers-Hope-to-Patients/256119331

  3. the above relates to this place

  4. If anyone could help you then they might be able to I believe it is worth getting in touch with them. Good luck!

  5. Well, thank you! You shared great events. I also want to become a part of this event.
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