Thursday, 29 January 2015

Stepping Back On The Mat

The last couple of days, and indeed the next couple of weeks, have been and will be all about finding ways to fill the time before treatment starts on the 11th. I'm aware that radiotherapy might leave me feeling a bit worse for wear so I'm mainly trying to fit in as many things that might be tough to do for a couple of months. So far this has mainly comprised of going to the gym. How boring am I.

Yesterday I branched out slightly by going to Cardiff under the pretence of a shopping trip. But more realistically, as it's January and I am completely out of funds, it was just an excuse to go for a Nandos, Cookie Dough and Costa. Yesterday also marked the end of my course of steroids! I've never been more relieved, these little tablets have caused me more issues than the tumour over the last few weeks between the increased appetite, disrupted sleeping pattern and the water retention around what used to be my abdominals. I ended the day by making a list of things that I needed to get done the next day, productive or what!

Today I woke up and promptly ignored the vast majority of the aforementioned list. I'm not even the slightest bit surprised at that. I did however manage to contact the speed awareness course people and after a series of phone calls I was informed that South Wales Police will not be taking any action regarding the speeding incident, handy as I had no idea how I was going to fit a speed awareness course in amongst my radiotherapy sessions.

I've also spent the last few days slowly coming to terms with the loss of my hair. As much as I am missing having a half decent haircut (debatable I know) I have identified a number of up sides to the shaved head: Massive financial savings on the costs of shampoo, hairspray and volumising powder; significantly reduced preparation time for a night out; no worries when caught in a sudden rain shower and the tiny benefit of less hair moulting around the place during radiotherapy.

Tonight I went to my home judo club for a session instead of the gym. It's only the second time I've been on a judo mat since Glasgow and my chest has been playing up for a few days so I couldn't do everything but it was still nice to pull on my Gi and throw about for a bit. I've been thinking for a few weeks that I want to get my 5th Dan, I'll have to find a way around the time in grade requirement and sort my cardio out a bit first but hopefully I'll manage to get it sorted when my radiotherapy is done with.

Until my treatment starts in just under two weeks I (hopefully) won't have much to report, but there are a few things I've been researching over the last few days plus a few topics that have cropped up I will address, so I will try to keep the posts coming every couple of days if possible even if there isn't too much going on with me personally. For now, I'm going to eat some cake, drink a hot chocolate and go to bed. Yep, I'm that crazy.

A photo posted by Jamie MacDonald (@thejamiemac) on

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie, just a quick comment to say that I'd be hopeful that you won't feel worse-for-wear from the radiotherapy. I certainly felt more tired grom the chemo I had this autumn, and I too was expecting to feel a bit drained from the radiotherapy. But, here I am halfway through my 17 sessions and I have to say that, apart from the inconvenience of actually getting to Velindra and home again, I don't feel anything more than a niggly headache and if I'm honest I think if I wasn't going through brain radiotherapy I would barely describe it as a headache! I'm reading through your blog posts as I wait for the Superbowl to start! :)
